Wednesday, January 30, 2008

First Post

Wow... here we are...

My first post, and let me tell you, I'm pretty excited to be here... basically i made this blog because there is a lot of stuff going through my mind that i don't say for various reasons, but mainly because its just too... for lack of a better word... random and kinda stupid to say to people in conversation, but surprisingly they are pretty interesting thoughts, so what to do with them? The answer: put them in a blog for people to read. By putting them in a blog, i accomplish a number of things:

1. I can have these thoughts heard without having to face the unavoidable "well... that was random..." words that id have to face if i said these things in a conversation.

2. I'll have the more interesting ideas that float through my head documented.

I actually created this blog because something came through my head and had no one to tell it to... if only i could remember what it was...