Sunday, May 4, 2008

Peace of mind...

Well I wrote this for english class but it seems like a good thing to put on here so... here goes-

It makes my blood boil when I do not have the space of mind to think- it is like metaphorical nails on a chalkboard in my mind.
I am a generally quiet person in my nature. I like having time to think for myself and I like being able to control the space I think in. Needless to say, in a two-bedroom apartment in upper Manhattan with seven inhabitants (six people and a cat) it really is difficult to find that peace of mind that I need to truly be productive. It is very rare that I ever get a moment that is completely to myself.
I share a room with my sister, and I spend as little time in my room as possible (and if you were me, you’d know why). The only other space for me to go that is not my room is my living room, which is shared by everyone. When you have six people of different ages with different interests in the same small space, eventually said interests are going to conflict. I’m a musician, and for the most part, music is what I do during my free time- either listening to it, studying it, or playing my guitar. Naturally, this makes a little bit of noise. I use the computer as a major resource for learning the guitar, and the computer I use is in the living room, so I am usually out there.
When my fourteen-year-old sister is not in the room, she usually wants total control over the television, which creates strife with my younger brothers, who are seven and three. She’ll want to watch America’s Next Top Model, or something of the like, while they want nothing more than to watch cartoons on Nickelodeon. Subsequently, they begin to argue and yell over what’s on the TV. After a good twenty minutes or so, my parents get involved because they think my sister is picking on my brothers and that the overall noise level in the room is a good 7 decibels too loud. Their intervention, however, makes the level of the room rise even more, for then my sister starts yelling at them and at some point one of my brothers is sure to start crying.
Meanwhile, as this whole lovely scenario plays itself out, I sit in the same seat as I am sitting in now, strumming my guitar and hoping that, at some point, there will be a break in the hysterics and I will be left with some peace of mind; somewhere I can let my creative mind wander. The lack of this is enough to make me want to scream- after all, it is not at all easy to feel trapped inside one’s own head...

Well, at this point on a sunday night, these noises have died down...

"And still...
I can't seem to find
The quiet inside
My mind...

My two cents,


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